
I never really knew what I wanted to “be” when I grew up. Career quizzes never knew what to do with my unique combination of creative and rational thinking. I slowly drifted towards a BA in History, but while I was working on that I made a website and once I did that people kept asking me to make more of them.
And so I stumbled into a career that had not existed when I was taking the career quizzes. I fell in love with how the semantics of HTML can increase the reach of content far beyond a single web page. Beyond screens to audio, beyond laptops to watches or TVs, beyond broadband, beyond English.
I began my career at BCIT, spent a year at an agency, and then moved into a senior role on MDN Web Docs.
I now work at Mozilla on the website where people go to download Firefox. I contribute to our design system, Protocol, and I do a lot of random things as needed - from browser add-ons to podcast sites.
At Mozilla I have written primarily HTML and JavaScript and CSS via scss using Django/Jinja2 for templates. Our code review process prioritizes accessible, localizable, performant, standards-compliant code that uses progressive enhancement to be backwards-compatible.