Stephanie Hobson I like to make websites everyone can use.

About Stephanie Hobson

Delicious + FireFox + Snap Links

I keep up on my favorite blogs and web comics by book marking them all in Firefox and then using the “open all in tabs” option that FireFox so nicely includes to open all the book marks at once. That way I can keep track of which ones I’ve read by closing them once I’m done :) Yeah, it’s lazy I know.

I’ve been wanting to have access to my bookmarks when I’m away from my home computer (who doesn’t) so I jumped on the band wagon a few days ago.

I hunted around for an add-on of some sort that would let me open all my delicious bookmarks in new tabs without much success. Turns out I was being too specific. Snap Links is a great add on that will let you select links on your screen by dragging the mouse over them, sort of the same way you’d select icons on your desktop. And it’s smart enough to only open the first link down in the HTML hierarchy, so with delicious you don’t open all the edit / delete links and with search engines you don’t open all the cached / similar pages links.

Edit: It kind of interferes with my mouse gestures if I’m not careful but it’s not that hard to avoid.