Stephanie Hobson I like to make websites everyone can use.

About Stephanie Hobson

Where am I going with this?

Vivian is such a great motivator. I’m still sorry to see her go.

I just came out of a performance review where Vivian simultaneously told me what a great job I’m doing and laid out the changes I need to make to my life to have the world laid out at my feet by the time I’m forty.

She said to me that in IT there are kind of two main career paths; one which is super specialized with one specific area of technology and one that sees the big picture and manages.

She thinks I should, and told me I have the right skills and thought processes to, be a manager.

I’m not sure I agree with where she wants me to go but she sure made me feel like I could get there if that’s where I wanted to go :)

Which begs the question, where do I want to go?