Stephanie Hobson I like to make websites everyone can use.

About Stephanie Hobson

Why Abstract Sequential?

Short answer: it’s my thinking style :)

It means I enjoy theory, logic, precision and abstract thought and that I learn best through lecture, independent research, and following procedures. This means I love web design but makes my blog very, very boring.

It’s one of four learning styles as categorized by Dr. Anthony F. Gregorc. (I totally just Googled that). I first heard about my style from my teacher and friend Cheryl Atwater. The thinking styles are actually very useful for figuring out how to deal with people. For example, if you’re discussing something with me you’re more likely to persuade me with logic than heartfelt pleas ;)

The other three styles are: abstract random, concrete random, and concrete sequential. The fun stuff starts once you know which you are or which one that person at work who drives you up the wall is. Floating Neutrinos has a great information page summarizing each style’s learning preferences, strengths, and weaknesses.

You may be able to figure out which one is you just by reading the descriptions, but here’s a good old fashioned pen and paper quiz to help you figure it out.